Dependable Mobility Products that Reduce Response Time and Improve Staff Security
According to reports from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, inmate assaults against correctional staff increased to 58,3000 in the late 90’s. More recent data suggests an even higher growth rate in violence due to prison overcrowding. Correctional officers identify the threat of violence as the primary source of workplace stress.
Reducing stress is a priority to administrators who seek to improve staff performance and increase safety. For corrections officers and staff who face the threat of violence daily, the peace of mind provided by a comprehensive personal security system can enhance morale and improve job performance. Improving the level of personal safety for correctional staff is clearly the number one underlying challenge for this industry, and the Ascom TelePROTECT offers a simple, effective solution to that challenge.
If you find yourself in a vulnerable or threatening situation, you can quickly send an alarm signal via TelePROTECT and know that somebody has received it. When you need to call for help, you press a button on a pocket unit to transmit a radio-based alarm signal. A central unit receives your alarm signal that then, depending on how your system is configured, automatically alerts your colleagues and/or activates relevant alarm procedures. In other words, Ascom TELEPROTECT unifies your workforce by allowing your staff to deliver time-critical messages or send a call for help if threatened or injured – all from easy-to-use portable devices. Whether you work in manufacturing, security, healthcare, or service, your business communications function more effectively when the right information gets into the right hands at the right time.
teleprotect highlights
- UHF transmitter with integral antenna
- Two alarm buttons for differing alarm types
- Pull-cord alarm
- Man-down and no-movement alarms
- Warning tone before alarm transmission to avoid false alarms
- Acoustic two-tone signal to help rescuers locate victim
- Incident Location option with both infrared and LF in the same headset
- Swappable SIM-card for personal settings
TelePROTECT Products and Applicantions
Ascom a51
A smart, pocket-sized, and rugged alarm transmitter designed with advanced personal safety in mind. The Ascom a51 has two programmable alarm buttons, each can be configured for a variety of responses. For extra safety, it also has a pull-cord that triggers an alarm if the handset if forcibly taken.
The Ascom a51 is also available in an “Advanced” version that adds support for “man-down” or “no-movement” detection for automated alarms location capability via infrared (IR) and low-frequency (LF) sensors. The Ascom a51 (Advanced) sends locator codes and other vital information with each triggered alarm that make it easier to determine the location of the person carrying the transmitter.
Ascom U971
U971 is a wrist watch sized transmitter used together with the U981 alarm receiver as an independent alarm system or in an ordinary telePROTECT 900 alarm system.
Alarms are transmitted in the UHF radio band. The code format is fully compatible with the teleCOURIER 900 paging system. Alarms can also be sent direct;y to a pager with a special version of the U971.
Alarms are generated by pressing the alarm push button. Different types of alarms can be transmitted depending on whether the button is pressed once or twice. Alarm is indicated on an LED on the transmitter.
AMC Client App
The Alarm Management Client (AMC) provides a graphic presentation of personal alarm notifications, via a PC, which can be viewed in plain text or on a floor plan. Graphical presentation lets you know where to send staff assistance, enhancing the personal security of your staff.
The AMC is a Windows PC client application enabling graphic presentation of personal alarms, typically triggered by a mobile device button press indicating personal duress. Incoming alarms can be viewed on a floor plan map with the ability to see and handle multiple alarms simultaneously. User login enables traceability of user actions; it also supports a history log to trace back alarms and alarm responses.